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Jennifer has arrived safely in Northern Ireland on Wednesday evening from Bangalore, India

Please pray for her as she speaks at events and church services over this weekend. Please come along and hear about her vision for the Rose of Sharon Devadasi Project.

Thursday 19th.
Meeting up with the India Team (The Francina Foundation)

Friday 20th.
Jennifer will be speaking at a fundraising lunch for The Francina Foundation at the Millside Restaurant, Cloughmills (private function)

Sunday 22nd.
High Kirk Church, Ballymena
Project Sunday Services @ 9.30am & 11.30am

Muckamore Presbyterian Church, Antrim @ 7.00pm

Please come and hear Jennifer speak about the Rays of Peace children’s home Sasalu and her vision to rescue Devadasi girls (temple prostitutes)

Monday 23rd.

Ladies evening in High Kirk Church, Ballymena @ 7.45pm
[See our previous post about this event here]